Round two: Bryn vs. Somnam

Alright, settle down, everyone. It's perfectly normal for announcers to get murdered by ghosts. Well, I assume that last one got murdered, anyways.

Our first contestant looks to be some random person named Bryn. Which is also my name, but whatever. She's championing the Glass Cat, also known as the Fear that had catgirl... monstergirl... whatever fanart made of it on the day it was created. (Furry. Not that I'm surprised. She's got fangs and claws, too.)

Meanwhile, our second contestant is a fellow by the name of Somnam. Som is championing the Cold Boy, which I suppose explains the dark blue hoodie. Doesn't explain the creepy mask, but let's just overlook that little detail, eh?

Okay, looks like Bryn is drawing some sort of elaborate... thing... in the sand. Som is having none of this. He's charging right at Bryn. Take that, you nerd. You nerd who draws things. Bryn has noticed Som and taken out one of her knives, but Som parries it with his sword. Unsurprising, perhaps. There's a reason you don't generally see knives used as a counter to swords when you give people the chance to counter with, well, another sword.

Okay, so it seems Bryn's elaborate sand thing had some sort of use (color me surprised). She's shooting a blast of wind at Som to try and knock him over! That's pretty dramatic. Som's on the ground. Bryn tries shooting a fireball at him, but Som raises an ice wall to block it off. Not sure where that came from, but I guess it came from the same place as Bryn's wind and fire. (Now she just needs to summon some earth.)

Som lowers the ice wall, and Bryn notices something at her feet. Shadows are creeping around. That's ominous. Hold on, I thought Som championed the Cold Boy, not the Nightlanders.

What? It's a "personal power?" Alright, then, I'm just gonna move on past that.

Bryn... stomps the shadows. Which does about as absolutely little as you'd expect. Bryn fires at Som with her bow, but Som parries the arrow and charges. Bryn kicks Som's feet out from under him and puts away her bow, then extends her claws and fangs! Uh-oh, things are getting spicy!

Bryn lunges at a fallen Som, she's biting and scratching, doing some real damage. But... what's this? The shadows finally do something! They're rearranging Bryn's body! ...Are we sure these aren't Nightlanders?

Anyways, Bryn's head is where her feet used to be and her feet are where her liver used to be, so I guess we've got a pretty clear winner... Bryn! (That's a joke. It's Som.)


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