
Showing posts from March, 2019

Round 7 Finals: Neko vs Kiro Cloudwatcher!

This is it... The final Round. Who will win... The eldritch Cat Thing championing a fear I've never heard of or the woman with a bird motif, cat name and also championing a fear I've never heard of?! Who knows... Although I'm rooting for Kiro since I at least actually remember Kiro from the last tournament and I like rooting for things that are familiar to me. Although I don't remember them being an eldritch creature last time... I do remember them having an adorable cat though. Also they apparently killed Somnam in this tournament and frankly screw that guy. This time the fighting is taking place in a grand... Perfectly normal arena... Sometimes I feel like they really skimp on the budget for these final fights... Curiously this arena's close quarters and high visibility, means there's not much chance of Kiro getting to use their drawing ability or Neko using her illusion ability. At least not to great effect... Should be interesting to see how they adapt t

Round Six Semi-finals: Neko vs Scarecrowe

Hello... I have been frozen in stasis since the last Tournament. Apparently in my absence they have gotten others to do MY job...  Those others are now all dead. Granted many versions of myself have also died so I suppose surviving as an announcer is not something I am actually better at... Regardless... The OG Announcer has returned. With no other choice they have thawed me out to announce the semi-final match of this new tournament. The fight is taking place in a foggy forest at twilight and our competitors are Name: Neko   Description: Black leather jacket with black feathers on the collar, a bird skull on the left shoulder with dark grey armor going from the shoulder all the way to the fingers, ending in claws, black shirt, dark blue jeans, brown boots, tan skin, black hair in a pony tail, hazel-ish colored eyes, kinda short, keeps a pouch in inner pocket. Fear Championed: Valravn Fear Power: Black ball lightning- Lightning in bomb form for when you just need to shoc

Round Five Semi Finals: Kiro vs Somnam

Well, time for the SEMIFINALS!  Today's battle will take place in...lets see here...Oh!  We're in desert ruins today.  How nice. All that sand and dirt, in places it shouldn't be.  Lovely. Anyway!  Today's contestants for the first of two Semi-Final rounds are Kiro and Somnam! The fight has begun! Kiro is looking for something as Somnam is looking through the ruins to find his opponent. I'm pretty certain this might be a boring fight as art kitty is drawing on some walls that are barely taller than four feet.  Or is that 1.2 meters?  Whichever the case may be, they might not be able to get a desired creation. Somnam is still trying to find Kiro but has found some strange rune stones instead.  Maybe he can-nevermind, he's tossing them behind him and continuing on. What is Tenti-Kitty drawing?  Oh!  That is diabolical yet brilliant!  A giant snake!  The wall isn't tall, but it IS long.  Now Kiro is running like mad, the snake hot on their tails a