Round three: Ace vs. Scarecrowe

Oh, hey, I survived that round. Anyhow, our next round is Ace, champion of the Archangel, versus Scarecrowe, champion of the Siren. Nerd versus goth... nice.

Alright, things are getting started. Ace charges at Scarecrowe, and prepares to attack; Scarecrowe grabs a straight razor and throws it at him. Ouch, that's gotta hurt. Right in the shoulder. Ace looks to be raising his other arm. Not sure what he's doing... oh, firing blobs of partially-solid black mist.

That's unexpected.

Erm. I think. Didn't really get a lot of time to read up on our contestants, I'll be honest. Kinda got shoved into the job after the last announcer died.

Scarecrowe dodges, but a lot of the goop-mist hits regardless. (Pretty obvious if you're paying any attention to the match, though apparently this whole thing is getting transcribed too, so I may as well mention it.) Meanwhile, Ace takes his chance as Scarecrowe is knocked back a little. He does... something... well, he looks a lot tougher all of a sudden, anyways. Ace once again raises his sword as he lunges forward, but... huh, that's odd. Some sort of... rumbling sound.




...Dios mío.

Well! Would you look at that? Seems an ancient evil is stirring. I mean, not that that's out of the ordinary. This job is many things, but boring isn't one of them. So, yeah, the ancient evil looks to be a massive golem that formed itself out of the ground far below the arena. ...Is this, like, an intentional stage hazard, or did the Fear activity just attract even more weird stuff? I couldn't tell you. Oh, well.

Well, one way or another, I don't like that one bit. It's certainly distracted Ace from his attack on Scarecrowe, at any rate. Now he's climbing on it Shadow of the Colossus-style and trying to attack its incredibly obvious weak spot, or at least I assume that's what the big glowy green thing on its back is. Scarecrowe is just... watching. Fair enough, I guess. Not really sure what the, uh, proper protocols are for giant earth golems emerging from deep beneath the arena.

Actually, by all rights, I should be evacuating right now. So should all of you audience members. Which most of you are, but apparently I've come to the conclusion that I'm exempt from that. Seeing as how I'm... still here.

Anyhow, Ace has successfully gouged out the green glowing thing, but now it's turning red, and if you don't know what that means, neither do I. All that suggests to me is that something very bad is gonna happen soon. Ace has jumped off the golem, and seems to be running towards Scarecrowe.

...Speaking of, is Scarecrowe... whispering to it?

Yes, it would seem so. In fact, I just checked my notes, and Scarecrowe's Fear power is the Siren Song, which allows the user to essentially mind-control the target through speech. So... Scarecrowe is mind-controlling a giant rock golem. And now the red bit on the earth golem's back is beeping. That's probably not good. And now Ace is chasing after Scarecrowe with his sword again. He lands a hit, but Scarecrowe, who's running away fast, manages to keep running anyways.

You know, Scarecrowe seems to be paying more attention to the golem than to Ace. And... that sounds like an explosion in the making. Coming from the golem's direction. Which Scarecrowe is escaping due to mind-controlling the golem. And which Ace probably caused after damaging it. Speaking of Ace, he's dead now. He lost. Congrats, Scarecrowe! You win! Hooray. A pat on the back has been earned.

Anyways, that explosion caused a pretty nasty fire. I should maybe find a different job, given the, uh, inherent risks—oh, good, it's spreading to my office. Which is currently collapsing. Uh, see you all later, folks—


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